
The schema helps to understand the structure of JSON files, by which we understand the types of nodes (Dict, Array, Values) and frequency of occurrences of values and lengths of arrays. The schema also holds statistics about how many times the node has been present. All this information is taken into the account by suggestextractor function, which takes a schema and using few reasonable heuristic, suggests an extractor, which convert jsons to Mill structure. The schema might be also useful for formats with enforced schema to collect statistics on leaves.

The main function to create schema is schema, which accepts a list of (unparsed) JSONs and producing schema. Schema can be always updated to reflect new JSONs and allow streaming by update! function. Moreover, schema accepts an optional argument, a function converting an element of an array to a JSON. This a function creating schema from all jsons in a dictionary can look like

schema(readdir("jsons", join = true)) do s
	open(s,"r") do fio
		read(fio, String)
	end |> JSON.parse

schema function has following default behavior: If passed array of strings, it consideres them to be json documents as strings passes each element as an argument to JSON.parse function.

A schema can be further updated by calling function update!(sch, json). Schemas can be merged using the overloaded merge function, which facilitates distributed creation of schema following map-reduce paradigm.

Schema can be saved in html by generate_html allowing their interactive exploration. Calling generate_html(filename, sch) will generate self-contained file with HTML+CSS+JS. The generated visualization is interactive, implemented using VanillaJS.

Schema assumes the root of each JSON is dictionary.

Implementation details

Statistics are collected in a hierarchical structure reflecting the structured composed of DictEntry, ArrayEntry, and Entry. These structures reflect those in JSON: Dict, Array, and Value (either String or a Number). Sometimes, data are stored in JSONs not adhering to a stable schema, which happens if one key have children of different type. An example of such would be

{"a": [1,2,3]}
{"a": {"b": 1}}
{"a": "hello"}

For such cases, we have introduced additional JSONEntry, a MultiEntry, but we discourage to rely on this feature and recommend to adapt JSONs to have stable schema (if possible). This can be achieved by modifying each sample before it's passed into the schema.

Each subtype of JSONEntry implements the update! function, which recursively updates the schema.


mutable struct Entry{T} <: JSONEntry

Entry keeps information about leaf-values (e.g. "a" = 3) (strings or numbers) in JSONs. It consists of two statistics

  • updated counts how many times the leaf in a given position in JSON was observed,
  • counts counts how many times a particular value of that leaf was observed.

To keep counts dictionary from becoming too large, once its length exceeds JsonGrinder.max_keys() (default is 10_000), then the new values will be dropped. This value can be changed by JsonGrinder.updatemaxkeys!(some_higher_value), but of course the new limit will be applied only to newly processed values, so it's advised to set it in the beginning of your scripts.


mutable struct ArrayEntry <: JSONEntry

ArrayEntry keeps information about arrays (e.g. "a": [1,2,3,4]). Statistics about individual items of the array are deferred to item, which can be <:JSONEntry. l keeps histogram of lengths of arrays, and updated is number of times an array has been observed in particular place in JSON.


mutable struct DictEntry <: JSONEntry
	childs::Dict{Symbol, Any}

defers all statistics about its children to them, and the only statistic is again a counter updated about number of observations. Fields childs contains all keys which were observed in specific Dictionary and their corresponding <:JSONEntry values with statistics about values observed under given key.


mutable struct MultiEntry <: JSONEntry

is a failsafe for cases, where the schema is not stable. For example in following two JSONs

{"a": "Hello"}
{"a": ["Hello"," world"]}

the type of a value of a key "a" is String, whereas in the second it is "Vector". The JsonGrinder will deal with this by first creating an Entry, since the value is scalar, and upon encountering the second JSON, it will replace Entry with MultiEntry having Entry and ArrayEntry as children (this is the reason why entries are declared mutable).

While JsonGrinder can deal with non-stable jsons, it is strongly discouraged as it might have negative effect on the performance.

Usefulness of such feature comes into play also when you don't know if your schema is stable or not. In that case, you can calculate the schema, and then search for MultiEntry nodes.

Illustrative example

Let's say we have following jsons. We take them and create a schema.

using JSON, JsonGrinder
jsons = [
       """{"a": "Hello", "b":{"c":1, "d":1}}""",
       """{"a": ["Hi", "Julia"], "b":{"c":1, "d":[1,2,3]}}""",
       """{"a": "World", "b":{"c":2, "d":2}}""",
sch = schema(JSON.parse, jsons)

you can visualize schema by

julia> display(sch)
[Dict] (updated = 3)
  ├── a: [MultiEntry] (updated = 3)
  │        ├── 1: [Scalar - String], 2 unique values, updated = 2
  │        ╰── 2: [List] (updated = 1)
  │                 ⋮
  ╰── b: [Dict] (updated = 3)
           ├── c: [Scalar - Int64], 2 unique values, updated = 3
           ╰── d: [MultiEntry] (updated = 3)

which shows only reasonable part.

To see whole schema, we can use printtree(ds; htrunc=Inf, vtrunc=Inf, trav=true) from HierarchicalUtils.jl which prints the whole schema, together with identifiers of individual nodes:

julia> printtree(sch; htrunc=Inf, vtrunc=Inf, trav=true)
[Dict] (updated = 3) [""]
  ├── a: [MultiEntry] (updated = 3) ["E"]
  │        ├── 1: [Scalar - String], 2 unique values, updated = 2 ["I"]
  │        ╰── 2: [List] (updated = 1) ["M"]
  │                 ╰── [Scalar - String], 2 unique values, updated = 2 ["O"]
  ╰── b: [Dict] (updated = 3) ["U"]
           ├── c: [Scalar - Int64], 2 unique values, updated = 3 ["Y"]
           ╰── d: [MultiEntry] (updated = 3) ["c"]
                    ├── 1: [Scalar - Int64], 2 unique values, updated = 2 ["d"]
                    ╰── 2: [List] (updated = 1) ["e"]
                             ╰── [Scalar - Int64], 3 unique values, updated = 3 ["eU"]

Strings at the end of each row can be used as a key to access individual elements of the schema. To learn more about HierarchicalUtils.jl check their docs or section about HierarchicalUtils.jl in Mill.jl documentation

Here, we see that we have 2 MultiEntry, thus 2 type instabilities in our jsons. The first MultiEntry (key "E") has 2 children: Entry and ArrayEntry.

The sch["E"].updated is 3, because value under key a in json has been observed 3 times. The sch["I"].updated is 2, because string value was seen 2 times under a. As expected, we can see

julia> sch["I"].counts
Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries:
  "Hello" => 1
  "World" => 1

and in the ArrayEntry we can see sch["M"].updated is 1, because array has been observed once in key a. The freqency of lengths is following:

julia> sch["M"].l
Dict{Int64,Int64} with 1 entry:
  2 => 1

because we have observed one array of length 2. sch["M"].items is Entry.

The Entry (can be accessed by sch["M"].items or by sch["O"]) has fields with following values:

sch["O"].updated is 2, because we have observed 2 elements in array under key a.

counts is

julia> sch["O"].counts
Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries:
"Hi"    => 1
"Julia" => 1

which corresponds to individual elements of an array we have observed.

Extra functions

While schema can be printed to REPL, it can contain quite a lot of information. Therefore JsonGrinder.generate_html exports it to HTML, where parts can be expanded at wish.

Schema supports merging using Base.merge, which facilitates parallel computation of schemas. An example might be

ThreadsX.mapreduce(schema, merge, Iterators.partition(jsons, div(length(jsons), Threads.nthreads())))

For details about JsonGrinder.generate_html and other functions related to schema, check Schema API Reference